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バンダイビジュアル 超合金クロニクル(DVD付) (帯付)

A collection of video materials for the "Chogokin" series, which has established a monument in the history of Japanese toys. Includes secret stories about the development of the Chogokin series and TVCF. Comes with a BOOK that contains photos of superalloys and a database of superalloys.

Bandai Visual will release a DVD and book set "Chogokin Chronicle Katsushi Murakami Selection" that explains Bandai's toy "Chogokin" series on June 25th. It was supervised by Katsushi Murakami, an industrial designer who is the creator of superalloys.
The Chogokin series is a toy made of the composite metal "zinc alloy". The first "Mazinger Z" was released in 1974 and became a big hit with sales of 500,000 units. Since then, more than 400 types of character superalloys have been released.

The DVD will include development documents composed of interviews with Mr. Murakami, video materials related to transformation and coalescence gimmicks, and TV commercials for "Old fans inevitably tears!" (The company). Recording time is 56 minutes.

The book contains many photographs taken of superalloy items, as well as Mr. Murakami's comments, sketches, and production materials. A database and chronological table such as product numbers and release dates of all items are also posted. The size is A4 and 192 pages. 


 バンダイビジュアルは、バンダイの玩具「超合金」シリーズを解説したDVDと書籍のセット「超合金クロニクル 村上克司セレクション」を6月25日に発売する。超合金の生みの親である工業デザイナー・村上克司氏が監修した。



Chogokin Chronicle + DVD バンダイビジュアル 超合金クロニクル(DVD付) (帯付)

SKU: PM000000005


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